Memorandum of Understanding
Between Friends and Bridgeport Public Library
The following will constitute an operating agreement between the Friends of the Bridgeport
Public Library (Friends) and the Bridgeport Public Library (Library). It will stand until and
unless it is modified by mutual agreement of the Friends and the Bridgeport Public Library
administration. The Friends mission is to raise public awareness in the community about the
Library, to support the services and programs facilitated by the Library, and contribute to the
overall strategic goals of the Library.
The Library agrees to include the Friends in the long-term planning process to ensure that
the Friends are aware of the goals and direction of the library.
The Library agrees to share with the Friends the library’s strategic initiatives at the
beginning of each fiscal year and discuss with Friends how their resources and support might
help forward these initiatives when deemed necessary.
The Library agrees to supply the Friends with an outline each year that indicates the
anticipated needs for Friends support.
The Library agrees to provide the Friends with branding and templates for applicable
newsletters and other Friends promotional materials.
The Library agrees to provide public space for Friends membership brochures and
promotional materials.
The Friends agree to publicly support the Library and its policies.
The Friends agree to include a member from the library’s administration as a non-voting
presence at all Friends’ meetings and to allow room on the agenda for a library report.
The Friends agree that the library administration has the final say in accepting or declining
any and all gifts made to the library.
The Friends agree to engage in advocacy efforts on behalf of the Library under the guidance
of the Library administration and the Library’s Board of Trustees.
Adopted by the Bridgeport Public Library Board of Trustees on February 23, 2023